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#81700 by Neil Blanchard
Wed Oct 26, 2022 3:48 pm
If you need most of an XRef to be highlighted one color, but also need several layers to be their original colors and/or several layers to be a different highlighted color - there is a very easy way to do this:

Highlight the whole XRef to be the color that most layers will be, say cyan.

Click on a layer in the XRef Manager that you want to be original or highlighted a different color, say light magenta - toggle on By Layer and then change to Original / Light Magenta.

Right click on that layer in the XRef Manager and select Copy Highlight Settings - then select another layer - OR hold Control and then select any additional layers - then right click on one of the selected layers and click Paste Highlight Settings.

Wow - who knew it could be this easy? Thank you Josh, for getting me looking at this.

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