Found a hidden feature or want to share a time-saving shortcut? Let us all know...
#9701 by DBrennfoerder
Wed Feb 08, 2006 9:48 am
If you are needing a quick animation for a simple presentation, download Bulent's Screen Recorder (free trial version has no time limit) and create an avi right from your screen views of o2c. You can easily start a pleasing autorotation, then start recording, pause when you've seen what you want, set up another autorotate, record more. If you are really smooth with your mouse, record some zooms & pans, or even a walk thru. Works in a pinch (time or money) :)
#9707 by Heinrich
Wed Feb 08, 2006 1:40 pm
This could be very handy in making tutorials as well.
Excellent find.


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