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#12277 by Neil Blanchard
Wed Jun 21, 2006 11:37 am

A reminder to keep your Default Drawings up to date, and to use all the possible settings to your advantage. For example, you can set up all the basic GTV's, so that when you start a new file based on a default drawing, your layers will be turned on in the groups that you'll need ahead of time. Remember to set the plot scale appropriately for each GTV, and then the first time that you use Text or Dimensions, they will be at the proper size.

I also insert the default border XRef in the default files, so you just have to redefine it, and you're off and running. You can set up the first MSP sheet (at least) with the border inserted and named.

[Edit: Steve, I just Redefine the XRef after creating the new files; I think this is easier to do than inserting the XRef each time, and it has the benefit of keeping the border at the same "location" in the file. For other XRef's, like floor plans XRef'd into a structural plan, you can Redefine them all as a group now, in v11.]

As your drawing settings evolve (or as you discover settings that you left out), it is a pretty quick thing to also update the default drawings -- and the time savings for each subsequent project is a direct payback.

All the text and dimension settings can be saved as part of the default drawing; as well as snap settings and distance, angle, and scale files. All the layers (and their colors, Z heights, etc.) can be set up ahead of time -- often the easiest way to get this is to copy your latest project files, and then delete all the entites that are not totally generic.

What have I left out? How do you set up your default files?
Last edited by Neil Blanchard on Wed Jun 21, 2006 2:22 pm, edited 3 times in total.
#12284 by Steve Scott
Wed Jun 21, 2006 2:16 pm
Good tips, Neil. We do it this way, with the exception that (and maybe
you implied this) we copy both the default file and border default into the
job folder before Xreffing the border into the default file.

Also, I keep my own modified copy of the default file to suit my personal
settings. Then I update either it or my settings when office standards
change, whichever is easier.

We also have a separate default file for each combination of sheet size,
scale, type of project, office location (we have multiple offices), etc.
There are quite a few of these in total, but well worth it to keep standards
in tact.

One additional tip: I've found that for some reason when the border is
Xref'd up front before multiple copies are made for each project file, that
the "circular Xref" warning doesn't appear every time you open the file.
We "know" that we have circular Xrefs because we purposefully use them
on each project. This makes opening multiple files possible without
having to hit "OK" after each circular Xref warning.
#12300 by Roger D
Wed Jun 21, 2006 8:37 pm
In addition to having good updated default drawings, I use LayerSets from the Layer Menu for projects.
I have a basic default drawing with borders and settings.
Then depending on what the drawing is, I load in the correct LayerSet
1st Floor
2nd Floor, etc.
Title Sheet
Site Plan
etc. I think yhou get the idea.
Sometimes, they all go into one file for a simple project, or combined in different mehtods in different files for different projects.

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