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#12994 by MtnArch
Tue Aug 01, 2006 12:51 am
I wanted to remind everyone about BillQuick ( - which allows you to download the full program for 45 days (wow, sounds like our favorite CADD program!) and ... if you don't purchase the full license ... will revert to the free version, which - if you've spent some of your 45 days setting it up properly - will allow you to do billing (and a cool timecard/timer feature) for FREE!

Even if you don't pay for the full version, at least try it! For everyone from a sole practitioner to a large firm they provide a solution for the ugly task of tracking and billing on your projects!

I saw it in action when I worked for another firm back in '98 and bought my full 2-person license in 2000. It's been worth every penny, AND it interfaces with Quckbooks for those of us that utilize that software too!

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