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#75149 by Tim Mohr
Wed Nov 07, 2018 7:16 pm
Was thinking there was a wish list category at one point in the past...perhaps it's still resident ? In any case I still have 3-long running wish list items :)
1. A dynamic 3d interface a la sketchup would really be nice - current interface is very long in the tooth
2. a paper port/print setup similar to the acad (sacre bleu) print utility - still way better than Dcad's
3. the ability to run multiple copies of DCAD simultaneously - not such an issue in the past but given the capability of today's processors/computers it is a real bottleneck when you can only run one window at a time...especially when printing. I typically run 3 screens and in other programs I can let one copy/window churn away while making progress on another copy. Printing in particular is particularly maddening (see item 2 above)...


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