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#76299 by joshhuggins
Fri Apr 26, 2019 12:01 pm
Anyone have any clever ways to find a symbol that has a specific linetype in it? I have drawings that have a bad linetype in them but the linetype must be in a symbol because I've tried doing a change linetype using mask for the offending linetype and there are no more drawing level entities left that have the linetype so there must be entities within some symbols that have it assigned but I can't seem to find them. . . .

Hmm just had an idea. I am going to create a new linetype with the same name as the bad linetype but make the pattern for it so stinkin' huge it will surly stand out. Then I can hopefully reload the new linetype from the hard drive and I should then be able to find the symbols that have the entities within. Will let you know how it goes....
#76300 by joshhuggins
Fri Apr 26, 2019 12:35 pm
Well that didn't work. I could not see any entities with that new version of the linetype reloaded. Guess I'll use this as a bump for a wish to add a replace button to be added to the linetype manager. Guess I'll just go dig into every level of every symbol in the drawing. :?
#76302 by Roger D
Fri Apr 26, 2019 1:44 pm
I take it you have tried the repair function on the file?
What if you create that new linetype defininition in a new blank drawing, then import all the layers from the bad file just to make sure it is using the line definition in the new file. Make the line type be
Code: Select all - - - - BAD LINE - - - -

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