Use this forum to ask questions about DataCAD 21 and DataCAD LT 21.
#78904 by PaulR
Mon Oct 12, 2020 11:57 am
Hi Guys,
Using Dcad 21, latest version. My mouse cursor blinks as I move it or move items in my drawings. It's like the redraw speed for the cross hairs or bounding boxes doesn't allow the mouse to move smoothly. Is there a setting somewhere for this? It's only in Datacad, not other windows programs.
#78906 by Mark Bell
Mon Oct 12, 2020 5:49 pm
I recall having something similar in the past and it may have been a stuck key on the keyboard, remembering DataCAD uses different shortcuts than other Windows programs. A gentle tap or two on the keyboard whilst turning it upside down may help if this is the same cause at your end? Checking the keyboard and mouse may also help?
#78909 by PaulR
Tue Oct 13, 2020 7:34 am
Thanks for the reply Mark. I found the issue. I recently upgraded an app which turned on 3D hardware acceleration (without me knowing it). I wasted many hours trying all kinds of setting changes until I found this one and turned it off. Datacad is back to normal. The 3D acceleration setting only affected Datacad. Not sure why.


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