Use this forum to ask questions about DataCAD 21 and DataCAD LT 21.
#79734 by tonymaiocco
Tue May 11, 2021 2:59 pm
I am in the process of learning to use DataCAD LT 21 and have not yet successfully printed anything. I’m using Windows 10. The active layer that I’m trying to print shows two symbols and a line on the display. Preview is toggled on in the Print Menu, but a print preview shows nothing at all. When I print it, it’s just a blank page. The printer settings dialog box is set up to fit the image to letter size. If anybody has any insight into why this is happening, I would appreciate hearing about it.
Regards, Tony.
#79735 by Roger D
Tue May 11, 2021 3:14 pm
Did you do a quick layout of what is drawn on a sheet, or a MultiLayout and place and name a detail on the sheet?
#79736 by tonymaiocco
Tue May 11, 2021 3:40 pm
I only positioned the drawing on the screen & didn't even do a Quick Layout. I'm just reading about that now in the manual for the first time. (Multi-Layout is apparently only available for the "Pro" DataCAD version.) I seem to have overlooked that, so it's a rookie mistake. My bad. I'm all set now. Thanks for bringing that up. I'll do more reading before posting next time. Much appreciated.
Regards, Tony

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