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#80638 by Chris
Wed Feb 09, 2022 2:38 pm
Our systems have begun resetting to GUI Toolbars every time Windows 11 makes an update in the last couple months. The LOCK TOOLBARS is checked in the Program Preferences and it does not make any difference. It is a minor annoyance. Anyone know how to FIX it?

Thanks in Advance,

#80639 by joshhuggins
Wed Feb 09, 2022 11:40 pm
During the Datacad v20-v22 life cycle, Datacad has been steadily working on making changes to handle the changes Microsoft was rolling out for High DPI displays and application scaling. If you open the current Revision History file and search for 'DPI' you can get a quick overview of the related changes. Version 22's last update fixed approx. 95% of the issue you are seeing now I would guess with the interface resetting. I don't know if those fixes were released for v21.
#81027 by thelogco
Wed Jun 22, 2022 10:33 am
Just returned from vacation and opened Datadcad. All of the program settings, menu preferences, layout etc have changed. I'm guessing back to install status. (AGAIN!)

Are there any files that I can save once this is corrected to reinstall quickly? I thought I had done this the last time and unfortunately, they did not work.
#81030 by ORWoody
Wed Jun 22, 2022 7:33 pm
This might be a overkill solution, but it is what I would do in a similar case....
Once I have DataCAD set to exactly how I like it, I would then copy the entire DataCAD folder to a flash drive or to an external hard drive. I could do that quite easily because I keep all symbols/templates/drawings in their own separate folders. Then, when I encountered the problem as you described, I would overwrite the existing DataCAD. That would make it where opening DataCAD would show exactly what I want to see.

Be aware that my solution must be done using the exact same folder name for the archived copy as you have for your active copy. In my case, I have DataCAD installed on the C: drive in a folder named DCAD22. My archived copy is on a flash drive usually recognized as E:, but that is incidental because I never use DataCAD off of that drive. I'm simply using it to act as an image file. The archive folder is DCAD22.

On a side note... you could go into your main DataCAD folder and delete everything prior to pasting the archived files onto your active drive. This would prevent the paste action from going through the files and then asking you "You have 2XXX files with the same name. Do you want to overwrite them?" If you do delete those files and folders, then you'll also need to go one folder deep into your DataCAD folder before Copy All so that you don't end up with a DataCAD\DataCAD folder.
#81078 by ORWoody
Wed Jun 29, 2022 9:03 pm
In line with the method for fixing the reset problem... I use the same overwrite system when I re-install DataCAD or do a new install. I simply do the minimal install and then overwrite it from my flash drive. Quick and easy so that all toolbars, screens, settings are the same on every system.
Once in awhile, I will have to adjust some screen linked elements since my basic folder was created from a system with a large screen. When I did the overwrite on my laptop, I needed to adjust my screen ratio to be correct on the laptop, but that was easily done.
#81152 by Mark Bell
Thu Jul 14, 2022 3:29 am
thelogco wrote:I am so sick and tired of this happening. FFS!
What is making all of my settings reset?

Just a suggestion here, maybe do a fresh installation under a different folder name, ie, c:\datacad_21\ using an underscore as a point of difference and see if this version works okay from the current version which is playing up.
#81774 by thelogco
Sat Dec 03, 2022 8:59 am
Mark Bell wrote:
thelogco wrote:I am so sick and tired of this happening. FFS!
What is making all of my settings reset?

Just a suggestion here, maybe do a fresh installation under a different folder name, ie, c:\datacad_21\ using an underscore as a point of difference and see if this version works okay from the current version which is playing up.

Thank you for the suggestion Mark. I attempted this early last month and thought I was good but unfortunately, this has happened again. I have become very efficient at resetting all of my preferences but this is still annoying. Appears not enough users are having this issue for it to be addressed. I get that, I'm just frustrated.
#81775 by thelogco
Sat Dec 03, 2022 9:08 am
ORWoody wrote:This might be a overkill solution, but it is what I would do in a similar case....
Once I have DataCAD set to exactly how I like it, I would then copy the entire DataCAD folder to a flash drive or to an external hard drive. I could do that quite easily because I keep all symbols/templates/drawings in their own separate folders. Then, when I encountered the problem as you described, I would overwrite the existing DataCAD. That would make it where opening DataCAD would show exactly what I want to see.

Thank you for the suggestion. I made a fresh new installation, modified my preferences, and saved a copy of the files that changed. There are really only 7 files that are associated with this and it's been my workaround for the past year. This is a good band-aid fix and thankfully I do not have to do this with any other of my programs on a random monthly basis, just datacad :(
#81776 by Roger D
Sat Dec 03, 2022 10:19 am
I've experienced this randomly in the past. Good suggestion to back up the support files to save the settings.
#81777 by ORWoody
Sat Dec 03, 2022 10:45 am
Although, this won't resolve the basic problem of the internal reset, it might save you a bit of frustration.

Copy those seven files into an entirely separate folder from your Support Files folder.
Create a batch file that copies those seven files into the DataCAD Support Files folder as its first action line. Then in it's second action line, it simply opens DataCAD.
After you've confirmed that the batch file copies the files properly and then opens DataCAD, create an icon that calls the batch file and use it from then on whenever you open DataCAD.
That probably won't resolve the issue if your problem occurs while you are running DataCAD, but it will make your opening process fix the issue transparently upon every opening of DataCAD.
#81778 by Roger D
Sat Dec 03, 2022 11:03 am
I see 4 .gui files that would be involved, what are the other 3 to get to the 7 you indicated.
#81779 by Roger D
Sat Dec 03, 2022 11:07 am
Similar topic, but for some reason many times file explorer will show the directory in "content" view, where I really want to always see it in "detail" view.
Used to be a way to set that for all folders, but I can not find that setting anymore.
This happened a few months ago after a Windows 10 update.
Any suggestions?
#82547 by Chris
Fri Oct 27, 2023 2:26 pm
When this goes bad it takes about 25 keystrokes to fix it, sure would be nice if the "Command Line Alias" where expanded enough to accommodate this minor nuisance.

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