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#82994 by thelogco
Mon May 13, 2024 12:30 pm
Important to note, this question is not about moving or copy entities.

This is for the placement of a new template. I want the newly placed template default to place with keep groups tuned off. The default has [S8 KeepGrps] selected. I don't want this but can not remember how to change this. This option will only become visible once you select the template you wish to paste.

Thank you in advance.

Steve H.
#82996 by joshhuggins
Mon May 13, 2024 3:31 pm
Hi Steve,

With Datacad closed, open your C:\DataCAD 21\DCADWIN.INI file in notepad or other plain text editor and locate the [General] section (it should be the first section by default), and under that section locate the line

Explode Keeps Groups=TRUE

and change it to read

Explode Keeps Groups=False

Close and save the DCADWIN.INI file, restart Datacad and you should be good to go! :D

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