Use this forum to ask questions about DataCAD 21 and DataCAD LT 21.
#83258 by joeferguson
Wed Oct 30, 2024 10:09 am
DC user since 2005 and never seen this one before........

I have always used shift-F3 with erase to get to a dashed bounding box, allowing me to erase everything the box includes.

Today, when I use shift-F3 my DataCAD 21 cycles through all my layers, changing the cursor colour.

When I use F3 without the shift, I go to my windows home screen, showing all the programs I have open.

What have I done this time?

#83265 by joshhuggins
Wed Oct 30, 2024 5:56 pm
I would try a reboot it you have not already done so. Also could you have toggled a Fn button for your keyboard that changes what your F# keys do when pressed?

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