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Text in Elevation View

PostPosted: Mon May 24, 2021 11:30 am
by hglymph
Good day. I am fairly new to using DataCad 3D. I am drawing a commercial building, and I have stumbled my way through layers, smart entities, importing materials, etc. I am pretty confident with all of this, but I am still struggling with one issue. I want to but text or signage that shows on the front of the building. I wasn't readily able to see a way to do this in the 3D elevation view, so from looking through other posts, I thought I would add it in plan or 2D view and try to rotate it on the Z axis from flat plane to a vertical plane so that it shows in my front elevation view. It sounds great, but I cannot figure out how to make this work. I have read about X3 and macros in other posts, but I am not to that level of understanding yet on the software. Anyone knows how to achieve this for a fledgling DataCad superstar like myself? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

Re: Text in Elevation View

PostPosted: Mon May 24, 2021 1:22 pm
by Mark F. Madura
The trick is to 'store' your 3D Text (TrueType w/ zBase & zHeight) in a Symbol or XREF (or Self-XREF). Then place the Symbol or XREF on your building in elevation view. Afterward, you can edit the symbol or reference as needed. You don't need to explode the text since this is done automatically when you launch the Object Viewer or SunShader.

Re: Text in Elevation View

PostPosted: Thu May 27, 2021 6:42 am
by hglymph
Thank you for the enlightenment. It works. I am working through getting exact placement.