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#81955 by VDS
Sat Feb 04, 2023 3:09 pm
As an avid user, and fan, of DataCAD for the last 9 years I'm considering doing some DataCAD specific videos on youtube. It would be for informational and enjoyment purposes. It's an AutoCAD dominate market on youtube and I'd like to promote DC for newbies, and as an additional platform to this forum.

Is this something you would watch? If yes, please comment a topic or "how-to" genre you would like to see. It could be setting up a plan, playing with hatch types, or anything to get new (and experienced) users engaged.

If not, please respond too! I'm open to honest feedback :)

Last edited by VDS on Sat Feb 04, 2023 7:46 pm, edited 2 times in total.
#81957 by DBrennfoerder
Sat Feb 04, 2023 6:08 pm
DrawBoxes.png (45.97 KiB) Viewed 12404 times
Maybe you could explain mult-scale plotting. I never could wrap my head around that one. As I understand, the sheet is "assembled" when you click "print" and then you see how it will look.
I'm a much more WYSIWYG person, so I developed a much simpler person using only one layer called "Details" and 4 self xRef's. My main sheet is printed at 1/8" scale and my title block is sized to fit that sheet. Off to the side, I have 4 dotted line rectangles - each one representing the correct size of the sheet at 1/4", 3/8", 1/2" and 3/4" scales, so in order, they are 1/2, 1/4, 1/6 and 1/12 of the original size. Then I made 4 clip-cube self xRef's. So on the first one, I made a clip-cube of the largest square, saved the file, then inserted self xRef at enlarge 2x and clib-cube "on" and positioned the xRef frame to fit the title block. Repeat with appropriate enlargement 3 more times.
Set Details to be active and draw across each of the four boxes and appropriate lines should appear filling the title block. Easy-peasy.
You could set up as many scales as you typically need; delete any you don't use.
It's really easy to see how details fill the page and it's easy to slide any detail around to fit the page and other data better.
#81958 by ORWoody
Sat Feb 04, 2023 9:02 pm
I would certainly like to see that. I've muddled through using DataCAD as best I can, but when I read about how other users do certain things, I constantly wonder why I never thought of using that approach. YouTube videos would really be of benefit for many of us.
#81965 by Roger D
Mon Feb 06, 2023 8:54 am
Multi Scale Plotting is a simple way of having one sheet with details organized on it.
My title block is a 1/8" scale and I place that on any sheet, with the layout grid set to 2x2 and I place it by the center.
I then change my layout grid to 72x48 for a 24"x36" sheet, so the layout snap is at 1/2".
I then place plans, details etc at any different scale, and pick a snap point, usually on the detail title line so they can be lined up on the sheet.
Usually each plan or detail is linked to a GTV so they can update if I change the GTV settting.
You get to see the sheet setup, WYSIWYG without having to enlarge/shrink details to show up correctly. Everything is true to size.
#81976 by Clayton Taylor
Wed Feb 08, 2023 10:17 am

I'm sure there will be many suggestions on this subject, however, it might be an idea to start this with a very small building project as this could cover many areas of learning on how one starts drawing with DataCAD, either in 2D or 3D. In the meantime, I posted a similar topic many many years ago with regards to accessing DC videos, so have copied this old post below with a DROP BOX link for anyone who wants to download these tutorial videos.


To all,

I found some old DataCAD movie files in an old backup hard drive & wondered if they were worth keeping or better still to archive them somewhere for all to view/download, any suggestions...? (DC website..!!)

MACROMEDIA FLASH PLAYER ver6 - These seem to play o.k. when you click on them. (15 files - 49.3MB)

VIEWLET FILES - These don't play on my PC, I can't find a download player to view them. (7 files - 2.27MB)

SCREEN CAM FILES - These were purchased from Geoffrey Moore Langdon, they play o.k. on my PC with the included Lotus Player. (62 files - 329MB)

Having looked at a few of them, I still think they're great, clean & sharp, even though they're for quite old versions of DataCAD. It's shame this wasn't continued on for new versions of DataCAD....nag..nag..nag...

Over & out,
Clayton. ... JhXna?dl=0
#81978 by VDS
Wed Feb 08, 2023 4:02 pm
Thanks for all the suggestions so far. In short, YES, I will begin a YouTube channel that will feature DC videos. Currently working on the organization and editing software, as I'd like there to be playlists for beginners, tips/tricks, etc...

Your feedback by simply saying "yes" is encouraging, and please keep the suggestions coming :)
#82094 by Elias
Tue Mar 28, 2023 1:53 pm
I would definitely love more youtube resources! I used youtube channels to learn Autocad back in the day but I've struggled learning Datacad now for a new job because no resource really exists, beyond these forums. It's always much more helpful to see it done in a video where you can pause and see precisely what is being clicked on
#82170 by Clayton Taylor
Tue Apr 25, 2023 4:35 am

As time has moved on, I was wondering how the YOUTUBE DC videos were coming along ?

On a side note to this subject, many many years ago, I recall buying: 'Learning DataCAD 8.5 by Keystone Learning Systems' ( & these three cassette tapes were presented by Rick Morse & thought at the time, they were excellent learning tutorials. I think that company has moved on as did RM, but its a shame these were on VHS cassettes & not DVD's, as these could've been easily (I guess) been available to view on ones PC. If anyone has a further insight to this, it would be great to see these transferred over to a digital version so everyone interested in DC, learned or not, could view them.... 8)

I enclose the content of each learning tape as pdf file format that covers the learning topic's for anyone's interest.

Over & out,
Trotman Taylor Architectural Consultants.
DC content of each learning tape 3 of 3
(184 KiB) Downloaded 290 times
DC content of each learning tape 2 of 3
(250.68 KiB) Downloaded 279 times
DC content of each learning tape 1 of 3
(250.88 KiB) Downloaded 332 times
#82186 by VDS
Fri Apr 28, 2023 10:45 am

Working on videos slowly. Learning how to do video editing on educational shorts is a learning process on top of DC. Doing this on top of my full time job too... I appreciate everyone's patience. :D


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