Use this forum to ask questions about DataCAD 22 and DataCAD LT 22.
#82376 by DBrennfoerder
Tue Aug 01, 2023 3:53 pm
Hey guys,
I've decided at 79 that I'm not taking any new jobs, so my interaction with DataCAD will be minimal in the future. Thanks for the last 28 years of giving me a great way to make a living. I've loved a lot of it (except for a couple of AHJ's and one Fire Marshal).
I have v19, v20, v21 and v22 installed on my laptop. I had issues with v22 a while back, so I've only used v21.
Can I uninstall v19, v20 and v22 without creating any issues with v21? I do want to keep it active and will be needing to access drawings, create addenda, etc. occasionally.
It's not that I really NEED the space off my hard drive, but I'd like to clean it up a bit.
Peace out, my friends.
#82378 by ORWoody
Wed Aug 02, 2023 9:50 pm
My experience is that I've loaded, deleted, modified... you name it, different versions of DataCAD without any issues. Part of my successful messing around might be related to my keeping symbols and templates in their own individual folders that are unaffected by changes to DataCAD versions. Other than that, I'd think that cleaning up your system should go quite well.
I'm in the same position age-wise and project-wise as you are and the lack of reason for me to work with DataCAD has been somewhat depressing.
#82379 by MtnArch
Wed Aug 02, 2023 10:55 pm
I'll agree with Oran .. make sure you don't have any files you feel you need (ie. modified templates, scale defs, angle defs, fonts, etc.) that you haven't already copied/saved to a non-Dcad related directory. At that point you should be good to uninstall the versions you don't feel you need.

Thank you, Dwight, for what you've contributed to our beloved Dcad forum (as well as the architectural profession!) over the years. May your "slow-down" years be long, relaxing and enjoyable, and don't forget to come around from time to time and say 'Hi'!
#82380 by DBrennfoerder
Thu Aug 03, 2023 9:32 am
Thanks Oran and Alan. This DataCAD community has been a great resource over the years. I hope there are some young ones being brought up in the group who can continue to contribute and develop DataCAD. I really appreciate Mark and the guys who have made this software a joy to use.
My original thought was to continue to take on very small jobs, but it seems easiest to just shut it off. I have some future work in Florida that I'll have an associate office draft while I do code review and sign / seal. And there are always addenda on jobs in the process not finished yet, so I'm on the laptop nearly daily anyway. I have a couple of slow-moving local jobs that I'll let that same associate office finish up for me. They're cool with that. It's nice to have friends in the business.
#82384 by joshhuggins
Thu Aug 03, 2023 6:29 pm
Best of wishes Dwight! Enjoy that time with the fam!

The only thing that comes to mind is that sometimes when I have uninstalled older versions, the TTFs that Datacad had installed in the Windows directory, will be removed with the installation. I think this has been fixed in the more recent versions. If it were me, I would just zip the old Datacad directories to reduce the size (they compress quite well) and number of files down to one, that way if you did ever need something from the folders you have them, and then you don't have to worry about the uninstall doing something wonky.
#82387 by Mark F. Madura
Fri Aug 04, 2023 10:09 am
DBrennfoerder wrote:Can I uninstall v19, v20 and v22 without creating any issues with v21?

Hi Dwight,

Thank you for your support over these many years and best wishes to you and your family.

Uninstalling Multiple Copies of DataCAD
If anyone needs to remove one or more versions of DataCAD from their computer while retaining another, I'd recommend typing 'add or remove' in the Windows search bar then click Add or remove programs in the results. This will take you to Apps > Installed apps. Type DataCAD in the Search apps field. In the list of DataCAD installations, click the '...' ellipses and select Uninstall for each version you want to remove. Once you're down to the one remaining installation you want to keep, click the ellipses and select Modify. This will launch the DataCAD Installer with three options; Modify, Repair, and Remove. Click Repair, then Next and follow the prompts. This will restore any missing original DataCAD program files and file associations. Repair will not affect any of your custom files.

Since the uninstall routine does not remove modified or custom files, you'll need to manually delete DataCAD's program folder(s).

If, for some reason, you're unable to run Repair, download the full installer from our website and run that.


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