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#82748 by Paustin
Mon Jan 29, 2024 7:20 pm
This is a problem which has arisen in the last month or so.
When more than one Datacad file is open, I intend to close only the active file using the X button, but I will miss and I hit the big X instead of the small X.

This brings up the Confirm dialog box, "Save changes to <drawing name>.aec? Yes - No - Cancel - No To All - Yes To All

I have done this innumerable times in the past and I have always been able to select Cancel to abort this attempt, then retry to close only the intended file.

However, now if I cancel this dialog, the dialog box disappears, and I am still in the current drawing, but no keyboard input is recognized by Datacad. The mouse still works, so I need to close all files by clicking, and then restart Datacad to clear the problem.

Dcad version
We have verified this on several installations, and it occurs every time under these conditions. I am adjusting my habits to close more carefully; has anyone else found this problem?
#82751 by Mark F. Madura
Tue Jan 30, 2024 9:29 am
This is a known bug that will be fixed in the next update to DataCAD 22 and 23.

Fixes in the next update...

• Corrected an issue with the termination of the last layer in PDF documents. This caused the last layer to become disabled and prevented the ability to toggle the display of content associated with that layer.
• An error that would cause keyboard interrupts to stop working after trying to quit, or exit DataCAD, then selecting Cancel to save changes to the current drawing file has been corrected.
• KnockOut boundaries were printing when they shouldn’t or were not printing when they should. This has been corrected.
• On multi-monitor desktops with varying display scaling values, Multi-View windows would get larger or smaller after restarting DataCAD. This has been corrected.
• An error that would corrupt the graphic state in PDF output and prevent the document from opening in Adobe Reader has been corrected.

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