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#82813 by joshhuggins
Thu Feb 22, 2024 1:40 pm
I think it is only available currently with v23. Not sure if it would work with older versions as there may be dependencies in the main v23 program that it needs to run. Datacad would have to speak to that.

Edit: I remembered that I had a copy of v22.02.17.02 installed on a VM for testing and it seems like there is an issue running it on v22 as I get messages about Layers being locked when those layers are not locked and the polygons will not select. Then Datacad crashed with an access violation and a runtime error. Looking at the MSG file for the macro, there is a message line about a 'version or later is required to run this macro' so I think it is safe to say that v23 or later will be required to run the macro until it's features are rolled into a future version of the main program.

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