Use this forum to ask questions about DataCAD 22 and DataCAD LT 22.
#82834 by RBCA
Sat Mar 09, 2024 9:45 pm
About 2 weeks ago, some of my toolbar icons started having little problems.
Didnt notice it at first.
Now a lot more have started not working right.
So went into the toolbars with notepad.
seem like all my extended characters have disappeared. The space is still there but nothing in it.
Been a long time since i worked on toolbars, so im a little rusty.
Looked on DCADs extended character list. Seems like some symbol are used for multiple extended characters. so having a liitle trouble recreating the string lines.

Some examples
The alias selection:(Alt) + (0169) "©" SELECTS A ALIAS
A05=^:^F3^F3^2L$^:^©SOLID^©Z-COLOR-LT GREY^;
This is what shows up in my file
A05=^:^F3^F3^1L$^:^ SOLID^ Z-COLOR-LT GREY^;

Tried typing in the alt-0169 and showed up but didnt work.

Any ideas.
1. is there a better program to edit the files with?
2. is there a way to see the # of the extended characters?

Thanks .

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