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#83000 by Bob Urbanek
Mon May 20, 2024 5:51 pm
About a month ago, I had a crash, while in Datacad. Not sure if it was the program, or windows or whatever. I was down for three days. Couldn't do anything. Got an IT guy to get me running again, but ever since, I have had nothing but problems. Many settings seem to have changed, and I have managed to correct them, one at a time.I am having trouble figuring out this one. For example, I used to do a standard garage by doing the foundation, then installing the doors, and when I do the walls, they would cut around the doors. Now it doesn't work. If I change the z height of the doors, the walls cut. Can't cut both layers at the same time. What am I missing? Also, sometimes when having problems, I find that auto 3D has shut off. Any help would be appreciated.

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