Use this forum to ask questions about DataCAD 23 and DataCAD LT 23.
#83177 by joshhuggins
Mon Aug 26, 2024 11:46 am
Welcome Gerrit! :D

Not sure what might be causing that issue, have you tried restarting Datacad? Does it happen in all your drawings or just one? If just one file, maybe try running a Repair on the file?
#83179 by Mark F. Madura
Tue Aug 27, 2024 9:19 am
Eugene Barnard first reported this. Unfortunately, we have not been able to reproduce the behavior and determine the cause. Eugene was able to restore the entity highlight by changing the default values in the [Highlight] section of DCADWIN.ini.

The defaults are...

Code: Select all[Highlight]
Pen Style=3

Exit DataCAD, then change Width to a value of 2 or higher. Save the changes to DCADWIN.ini, then run DataCAD.
#83184 by dhs
Wed Aug 28, 2024 2:33 pm
Just mentioning this in case it is a symptom of the same problem... I have been testing a macro that highlights and then unhighlights entities. Potentially several such operations are performed (as well as some entities being changed) between UndoStartTransaction and UndoEndTransaction calls. When I Ctrl/Z all the changes made by the macro are undone correctly but some entities disappear from the screen - I need to press 'U' to update the screen to get them back (refresh from Display List does not restore them).
#83195 by Gerrit van der Wolf
Wed Sep 11, 2024 4:24 am
Mark F. Madura wrote:Eugene Barnard first reported this. Unfortunately, we have not been able to reproduce the behavior and determine the cause. Eugene was able to restore the entity highlight by changing the default values in the [Highlight] section of DCADWIN.ini.

The defaults are...

Code: Select all[Highlight]
Pen Style=3

Exit DataCAD, then change Width to a value of 2 or higher. Save the changes to DCADWIN.ini, then run DataCAD.

Hi Mark,
Thank for your response.
I have tried the following highlight settings, but the line still disappear.

Code: Select all[Highlight]
Pen Style=3

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