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#82928 by David Porter
Thu Apr 11, 2024 7:49 am
Got a hatch pattern anomaly occurring that I have never seen before. It occurs with any number of printer drivers I select for the output. The same hatch pattern with the same lineweight is showing up quite differently on the same drawing. I have redone the misbehaving pattern and with different hatch selections and each time, that area of hatch comes out with weird, random, bold portions of the hatch pattern. As shown on what I am attaching, the hatch pattern on other areas of the drawing look just fine. I have restarted DCAD and restarted the drawing and the computer and nothing seems to fix this. Any thoughts or others who have seen a similar problem?
#82929 by David Porter
Thu Apr 11, 2024 7:57 am
Seems that the latest bug fix release resolved the hatch pattern odd weight issue. Good timing for that release. Thanks DataCAD team.

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