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#82931 by David Porter
Sat Apr 13, 2024 3:10 pm
I have one drawing file that is now taking almost 10 minutes to shut down when I close it out. It shows it copying the layers at the bottom of the screen. The file is 2014 kb in size so I don't think it is too large. Is there a way to cut the closing down time and without losing anything in the file? Does the Purge function scrunch the file but keeps all layers, GTV's, etc., just the same? Or, do I just live with the longer closing down times with this file and move on?
#82932 by Roger D
Sat Apr 13, 2024 5:31 pm
Both purge to a new .aec and import into a new empty file, you can keep MSP layouts and GTV's

Maybe do a purge and then import will clean out any gremlins.
#82933 by joshhuggins
Sat Apr 13, 2024 6:33 pm
Hi David,

What do you have set for the following dcadwin.ini values? Having PurgeDrawingsOnExit=1 will have Datacad look at the (Automatic) entries below and then purge out each type when closing a drawing and choosing to save your changes. It does not work if you force save the file using F & then close and choose to not save. This will purge out items of each type so your drawing is not lugging around things it may not need anymore. The (Manual) lines are for when you use the File, Purge option and the default settings for the utility. Below is how I have mine set which purges out everything except empty layers since our base files have empty layers in the, for future use.


Show Layers(Manual)=False
Show Symbols(Manual)=False

I don't recall what these lines do though. Hmmmm :?
Show Layers(Manual)=False
Show Symbols(Manual)=False
#82939 by Mark F. Madura
Mon Apr 15, 2024 8:26 am
David Porter wrote:Is there a way to cut the closing down time and without losing anything in the file?

The quickest way to save and close a file is...

- First, save the file using [Ctrl] + [S] (This skips purging unused data, such as deleted entities, from the file).
- Second, close the file without saving changes. (This skips creating the thumbnail image which can take a long time for a complex drawing).
Note: You can disable the creation of the preview bitmap entirely by setting the Drawing Preview key in the [File Dialog] section of DCADWIN.ini to False.

You can also send a PAK file to [email protected] so we can evaluate the file for performance issues.


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