Use this forum to ask questions about DataCAD 23 and DataCAD LT 23.
#82936 by Tim Mohr
Mon Apr 15, 2024 6:47 am
Can't believe I am asking this after using DCAD for the last 15years or so, but is there a way to adjust vertex visibility/size for polylines? It's one of those incredibly annoying little quirks that drives me crazy when I zoom out from a complex polyline and all I can see is sea of dots with circles...particularly problematic when importing from other programs that have been drawn in polylines...and exploding to line just quadruples the number of entities...setting in ini perhaps?
#82937 by Mark F. Madura
Mon Apr 15, 2024 8:10 am
You can toggle off Draw Marks in 3D Edit ---> Settings, or you can try setting Auto Adjust Marker Size Percentage in the [Display] section of DCADWIN.ini to a value less than 100 like 50 (50%). I usually just toggle them off since they add 4 lines per node to the display list.
#82985 by joshhuggins
Sun May 05, 2024 11:34 pm
Hey Mark, if we set this to 0% would it act as if they are turned off from a performance stand point or would they still be display list processed, but just not displayed ?

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