Use this forum to ask questions about DataCAD 23 and DataCAD LT 23.
#83276 by Bob Urbanek
Tue Nov 05, 2024 6:42 pm
Two biggest mistakes of my life------Dcad 23 and windows 11. Forced to go back to V22.
#83277 by MtnArch
Wed Nov 06, 2024 9:46 am
I'm sorry you've had such a poor experience with Windoze 11 and DC 23. I haven't had any issues, but I am running DC 23 on a 3-year-old MSI gaming laptop (started on W10 and upgraded to W11) and a 2-year-old MSI gaming desktop (came with W10 but it automatically updated to W11 almost immediately).

Josh "Guru" Huggins may have some suggestions on how to make them play nice together on your box/laptop.
#83278 by joshhuggins
Wed Nov 06, 2024 1:42 pm
Hi Bob,

Can you give an example of what you are experiencing? The difference between v22 & v23 in how they function is pretty minimal so without knowing what your issue is it's hard to help. I see in some of your other posts that it might just be that you need some settings brought over from your v22 system if you did not do an upgrade from v22.

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