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#20021 by Nick Pyner
Mon Feb 12, 2007 3:00 am
This has been discussed before but I throw this in taking advantage of the imge upload facility. My PSU died on Saturday night. I got a no-name for $40 but did a job on it before installation.

Haha! On preview I think the thumb nails show it all!

This pic shows all the pressed metal removed from the exhaust to minimise any resistance to airflow there. The case fan aperture received similar treatment. The PSU grille really wasn't too bad. The case really needed it. The spokes of the grill were nibbled and then cleand with a file.


This shows the input grill thoroughly blanchardised, thereby allowing a much freer air intake and thus allowing a slower fan speed.
This is simply done by bending with pliers.


blanchardising is of course derived from the extremely irregular verb "to blanchard" conjugated as:
I blanchard
you suffer intolerable fan noise
he overheats

and comes from the old Norse - blaankerdt (to hack with a deadly weapon)

This shows a temperature-sensitve speed controller recovered from an old Antec PSU. It controls the PSU fan speed and also the case fan by a new separate cable fed out with all the others.


The final picture shows the PSU installed with a bit of care to ensure a clear air path to the blanchardised grill. The excess cable is stored between the CD and DVD players. Note the clear daylight visible through the case fan.


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