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#62894 by MtnArch
Sun Jan 05, 2014 12:11 am
"Yaw'l" ...

I saw on the (other) forum that our friend Brent Gollihugh passed away suddenly this week. If you didn't follow the DBUG forum you may not have seen any of Brent's posts but they *ALWAYS* started with "Yawl'" and then explained his question with laser focus.

While I (personally) mourn any passing soul, the passing of one of our own (Dcad) users cuts exceptionally deep.

May those of us that enjoyed Brent's queries and ponderings continue his quest, and may those who didn't enjoy that privilege press the rest of us to point us ALL in the forward direction like Brent did!

And thank God that we were privileged to be a part of his Dcad family!

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