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#7207 by hh660
Mon Oct 31, 2005 8:57 am
This is way off topic... I want to use a rubber membrane roof to replace a rolled asphalt roof on a small exterior porch-8X10 or so. I have heard that rubber roofs shouldn't be placed over asphalt products. I can strip the aphalt roof off, but this would expose a bituthene-ice and water shield- surface. More asphalt, this I'm very doubtful if I can remove. I do not want to put an insulation board over the surface because of the increase in height. Is there a thin sheet like 'breaker-separator' barrier material available?
Naturally, I want to do this myself. Has anyone ever run across this type of installation, or ever attempted to install a membrane roof? I mean, how hard could this be?

#7222 by Giuseppe Barberio
Mon Oct 31, 2005 1:11 pm
Hi hh660,

If you strip down the asphalt shinlges down to the ice shield layer and leave the ice shield layer on, there may be several gypsum board products that are thin enough (around 5/8" thick) that you can do a direct glue down application with. Check with manfacturer for compatability of the products that your using when you come up with a total system.

The rubber roof (after being glued down) is overlapped & chemically welded at the seams.

You can also mechanically fasten the membrane in lieu of glue down application. The seams are overlapped and cover the fastners and are chemically welded.

Hope this helps.

Good Luck
#7230 by hh660
Mon Oct 31, 2005 2:00 pm
Thanks Giuseppe,

5/8 is still a bit high for me. This is one piece, it's pretty small, so no seams. I will have to lap over my base flashing with uncured rubber and seam sealant.
I'll keep looking

#7274 by Giuseppe Barberio
Tue Nov 01, 2005 1:20 pm
Maybe the iceshield membrane would not be as difficult as you think to peel off. Especially in colder weather. Have you asked a roofer what experience he may have had in peeling off ice shield membranes?

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