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#77686 by MtnArch
Fri Feb 28, 2020 11:15 pm
I was afraid that a post like Mark's would pop up about Dave sooner or later. Dave called me last year "just to say 'Hi'" and let me know he was letting a few of us know that he was facing an uphill battle against that cursed "C" word, but I had a feeling it was much more dire than he was letting on.

What a privilege we forum members have had to converse with a truly loving, remarkable person in Dave. It was always humbling to hear him comment how awed he was at how we could create something as wonderful as architecture with the coding he just typed - never realizing (or acknowledging) that without the magic of his coding we would be left with just gibberish and monotone lines. For those of us who had the added privilege of actually speaking with him (and those of you on the East coast who got to actually meet him) we were enriched with his gravely voice and laugh. For me, I can truly say my life would be a much duller shade without having counted Dave as one of my friends.

My thoughts and prayers go out to the Giessleman family, and especially to my friend Dave.

May God reveal his rich love and mercy as you pass between this world and the glory of Heaven, my friend. And may God lay His loving hand on your wife and boys as they share their love with you, and then lovingly give you into God's care and eternal life.

Onward and upward, my friend!
#77687 by David Porter
Sun Mar 01, 2020 9:28 am
I concur with Alan's sentiments about our Dave G. I guess I too was blessed to have Dave as more than just the guy keeping my CAD program moving forward. I live in south Florida where the wind blows hard sometimes in the summer and fall with storms we call Hurricanes. After each one, I would get a call from Dave checking in to make sure everything was OK. After Hurricane Irma, where we lost power for 2 days, he called to check on things. I told him I had gotten more DataCAD work done without power, due to a whole house generator I had installed, than I would have gotten done if I were in my office and the phone was ringing.

He had also called me probably 4 months ago or so with an update about his health issues but he was upbeat and getting back to coding for our beloved software. He had me convinced during that call that he was on the mend and back to living again. The guy would make a good salesman.

Along with Evan Shu, Dave, is and always will be one of the good guys who go out of their way to be helpful and kind.
#77688 by Mark Bell
Mon Mar 02, 2020 6:26 am
I have to admit, I was saddened and shocked to read the post from Mark. Although I never got to meet Dave in person, I did get to speak with him on a number of occasions and enjoy his lively chat as we started with discussion about a current technical issue or new feature then digress to life in general. I feel a numbness trying to accept he's considering leaving this world early. Having been through this type of loss myself, I feel for his family and those that work with him as friends and colleagues. A part of me wants to remain hopeful that a little miracle can come and the situation all changes. I'm sure Dave will be pleasantly surprised to see all those his work has touched and benefited through the clever programing we know as DataCAD. Whenever the time comes, I hope his spirit lives on to inspire others to continue in his footsteps. God bless, Dave.
#77689 by Neil Blanchard
Mon Mar 02, 2020 8:50 am

I want you to know I finally have my Snell Acoustics Type E/II speakers working again, and I was thinking of your passion for music and audio. This was just before we got the news of your cancer.

I will crank up my music, and I will be thinking of you and your family.
#77696 by melina
Tue Mar 03, 2020 2:57 pm
There is a hollow spot inside now. I love that he was always open to our ideas. More than once did he implement one of my suggestions, as I know he did for many others. He didn't hesitate to try things and knew when to reign us pesky users back to reality too!

Dave, you made a difference. You will be fondly remembered.
#77698 by jimgoodman
Tue Mar 03, 2020 5:56 pm
A very sad day today.

Dave was a special friend to me personally and to all of us in the DataCAD family. He was always so amazed and complimentary of the work we produced with the software that was his life's work. And, he was always eager to tackle our endless list of "wouldn't it be great if" suggestions, often sending "off-the-books" weekend updates for us to try out before the release of official beta versions. He never tired of refining the program to help us with our life's work.

I'm looking forward to attending the "Next Life User's Group" meetings hosted by Evan Shu featuring presentations by Dave. Now Neil needs to figure out how to live stream them to those of us who are left behind.

Dave: Rest well knowing you had such a profound and positive impact on our lives. You are leaving quite a legacy for us to enjoy for many years to come.
#77699 by Mark Bell
Tue Mar 03, 2020 5:58 pm
Blessings Dave on your journey home. Thanks for sharing what you have created in DataCAD and the ongoing help and advice over the years. Good luck to Mark and all at DataCAD LLC in continuing to make DataCAD the best it can be.
#77703 by dhs
Tue Mar 03, 2020 6:42 pm
I met Dave about 20 years ago when I spent 4 weeks working at the DataCAD office. He was very helpful in explaining the DataCAD state machine to me and helping me get settled into the task at hand (writing Triangulated Irregular Network (TIN) surface modelling logic ... I can't remember if it was him, Rick Morse or Mark who first started to refer to me as 'the TIN man').

I had a deep respect for Dave, and he was again very helpful in offering advice (and even adding functionality to the DCAL programming language at my request) when my efforts returned to DataCAD a few years ago. I had no entitlement to expect such co-operation and it was truly appreciated.
I will admit that I was less appreciative around the end of 2018 when he failed to respond at all to emails I sent him. His lack of response was out of character and I eventually gave up trying to email him at all. I now understand that this was around the time he was first diagnosed and I feel a bit guilty about the frustrated thoughts I had about him at the time.

I wish Dave's family and friends well, and hope they find peace in the knowledge that his suffering with the disease is now at an end.

I watched my father suffer with the same cancer over a similar period to Dave, leading to his death several years ago. As a result I am very conscious of the risk and would encourage all men to become familiar with prostate cancer and be tested for it regularly if in the risk group (generally considered to be men over 50 ... a large proportion of readers of this forum). If caught early the prognosis is not too bad.

David Henderson
#77709 by Steve Baldwin
Thu Mar 05, 2020 4:53 pm
I started with DataCAD in the late 1980's, and learned lots from Dave and all of the DataCAD crew. After losing a job in the mid 2000's, I have not been keeping up with DataCAD, but will never forget all of the good information that I learned from everyone.

My thoughts and prayers go out to the Giessleman family.

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