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#82990 by Neil Blanchard
Wed May 08, 2024 1:16 pm
Hello folks,

I am posting about my "new" business (which has been going for a bit over 2 years) - I am on hiatus with Signature Architects, and Mike Smith's retirement (!!!) party is this afternoon.

I have designed a couple of mass loaded transmission line speakers, and I am selling build manuals on my website:

I am starting to cut CNC cabinet flat packs in my basement, and I am selling those as well. And I have upgrade manuals for 4 small inexpensive speakers. This is how this got started, actually - I have sold over 700 upgrade manuals for a Sony speaker called the SS-CS5!

I was at Axpona in Schaumburg IL in April - which is the largest audio show in the country. I had 7 pairs of speakers, and most of my system set up there - I shared one of the rooms Geshelli Labs had - they are a small family owned business, and they have taken me under their wing, so to speak. Here I am with my friend Iggy, who was invaluable - I would not have been able to do this without him.

Neil & Iggy @ Axpona 2024.jpg

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