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#8331 by Martell
Fri Dec 09, 2005 8:05 am
What is the direction of impact of your question? :D

#8336 by Arthur Emmanuel
Fri Dec 09, 2005 9:43 am
Because using of the DataCAD that they charged changes for parametrics in DataCAD, in forum, frequently gave the example of a known software as Allplan.
#8340 by joshhuggins
Fri Dec 09, 2005 11:07 am
I believe Art's asking what features will DC12 have that are similar to AllPlan's software. Check out AllPlan here
#8342 by Martell
Fri Dec 09, 2005 11:17 am
Where do you found Allplan in this forum?
Allplan is Nemetschek. Founded in Germany 1963.
Allplan is a complete architetural programm. Standalone.
In Germany there a three global players. Nemetschek, Softtech and Autodesk. It is a long time ago that I have tested Allplan.
Allplan isn´t the enemy, it is Spirit. :D :wink:
So do you really mean Allplan, I found only 5 hits for Allplan in this forum.
The parametrics of both are absolute different. You can compare Allplan with DataCAD+ or Spirit. A database for all parametrics. So I think it has nothing to do with DataCAD parametrics. You can´t export parametrics from DataCAD to Allplan.


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