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#9207 by dennisnorton
Tue Jan 17, 2006 11:52 pm
I have used the clip cube for XREFs on many projects in the past. I am currently working on a project that is merely changes to a previous drawing I had done. For some reason, I cannot get the zbase and zheight to work properly - every time I import them, the z heights are wierd numbers like 5.473369e15 for base and height...

I have gone to the original file and for some reason can't view in 3d either - ever time I try to zoom into a parallel view, the program crashes - this is really wierd... I did notice that there were references to symbols that don't exist - I have purged, but they remain... I'm not sure what is going on, but this is really strange - and of course - I have a deadline to meet.

Thanks for any assistance anyone may have...
#9214 by Neil Blanchard
Wed Jan 18, 2006 8:16 am
Greetings Dennis,

In the source file, you'll need to Change/Z Base to zero. And/or (if you are using v10), you should run Layer Utility.

Obviously, the scientific notation for the Z values are the problem, and they were probably caused by a error in the file. If you cannot get them to be zeroed, then I would send in the file to TechSupportAtDataCADdotCom.
#9216 by Paul Nida
Wed Jan 18, 2006 9:52 am
We have had this problem for a long time with various files. The problem may be lines that have gotten a corrupted z-base and if that is the case changeing the z in the problem file should corect it. But it could be a symbol that has a corrupt insertion point and if you are not using the latest version of DCAD 11 the only solution that I have been able to find ist to erase the symbol and reinsert it. The latest version of 11 allows you to change symbols insertion points using the change command. And this has solved most of our problems. However, if I am not mistaken this does not work with xrefs that have a corrupted z insertion point. This needs to be fixed so that we can change the insertion point of an xref the same way we can with a symbol. Again, since most of this has been fixed in the later versions of 11, we haven't had much problems with it lately. And if this been fixed for xrefs then THANKS and nevermind.
#9217 by Paul Nida
Wed Jan 18, 2006 9:56 am
One other thing about clipping xrefs, if you use an xclip on an xref then the a regular clip cube will not affect it. While this can be a good thing in some instances, it can be a hinderance in others. Can we get a switch for this so we can have it both ways? If tbere is already a switch and I have missed it, please let me know.
#9226 by dennisnorton
Wed Jan 18, 2006 11:06 am
Thanks so much - I played with the symbols, etc... I have no idea what could be the problem - but think the insertion point corruption is the culpret...

I don't have time at the moment to figure this out - so I just used clipits and saved each clipit view as a new file - was taking up too much time trying to resolve the issue - so I worked around it...

Again - thanks guys.

ps - Are ya'll suggesting I get version 11? I'm using 10 right now and quite happy with it (except for this issue I just came across) And I've been using Datacad since version 1 - I'm olddddd
#9242 by Paul Nida
Wed Jan 18, 2006 2:09 pm
I highly recommend upgrading to 11, but then that is up to you and your situation. There are a number of people on here still using 10. But I still occasionally open a drawing in 10 and hate it. I love using the mouse wheel for zooming in and out and being able to use the mouse for panning. There are a number of other advancements but those are to obvious ones that drive me crazy when I go back to 10.

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