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#3588 by Daniel Kaczor
Tue Jun 21, 2005 10:59 am
Thanks, Dwight. I registered for the fun of it. But, this is probably just a cute marketing ploy by Alibre Design. The message ID from their email indicates such.

Their web site is

I used to use a cad program called x-cad 2d & 3d for the Amiga in the late 80' and early 90's. Then I tried another x-cad for dos and windows which was marketed by a Canadian firm, but, I think was produced in the Pacific rim somewhere.

Let's see if they make their goal and we get really free software worth using. Then again it might be time limited or rent ware.

#4780 by Daniel Kaczor
Mon Aug 01, 2005 12:39 pm
I received an email today from Alibre Design to download the free Xcad program. I will do so later today and give it a test drive.
#4793 by Daniel Kaczor
Mon Aug 01, 2005 10:46 pm
Daniel Kaczor wrote:I received an email today from Alibre Design to download the free Xcad program. I will do so later today and give it a test drive.

Decided not to test drive it. xcad is really "Alibre Design Xpress". I downloaded the program, but, decided not to install after perusing their forum messages. This program is geared more for parts modeling, not necessarily architecture or building construction. But may be of interest to those that design components, hardware or fixtures.

The software ***requires*** an Internet connection, displays Google ads, and has several limitations as to number of parts per assembly. The requirement for an internet connection and Google ads can be turned off for U$49.

There is also an apology letter from the Pres & CEO, "... I acknowledge that we made a mistake in our FAQ by indicating that an Internet connection would not be required. This was an honest mistake, pure and simple, and I apologize to those who are upset by it...Regarding the product and the imbedded ads, I want to make clear that there is no aggressive or third-party adware in the product, there is simply a pane populated with Google ads...It obviously comes as a surprise to some that our entire product is not included in the free Alibre Design Xpress. For those that had this expectation I apologize..."

It is basically a limited, but not disabled demo. The first 100,000 respondents got some extras, but, if you want to try it, it is out there for free.

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