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#52405 by Clayton Taylor
Thu Mar 10, 2011 5:40 am
To all,

It looks like being competitive for the smaller Architectural practice may
becoming a step closer if we're to believe what we read. I saw this article
below, which is only the end conclusion bit, the full article can be found
at the link below. In essence they're saying everyone in our field will be
more productive/competitive if we all start using BIM/CAD.

Well all sounds great, but over the years this software was way too
expensive for small practices & what I've deduced from this forum is that
BIM/CAD is still not all what it's said to be & good 2D CAD such as DATACAD,
can still knock out great production plans. I must admit I was held on to DC
by the intro. of it's "smarts", but this is know like a unfinished episode
of "LOST".

So was wondering in the very long time interlude, if this BIM/CAD software
has come on in any "leaps or bounds" with ease of use.

I can't quite figure out Graphisoft's direction on this, as this so called
"LT" version
of ArchiCAD must be directly competitive with it's own VECTORWORKS
ARCHITECT, is one perhaps easier to use than the other, am confused !!!!!!

Anyway the full article is worth a read & was wondering if anyone had any
hands on
experience of this or words of wisdom on this subject.


The move by Graphisoft to create a new £999 entry point to BIM is the most
significant thing to happen to the AEC CAD market since the creation of
AutoCAD LT in 1993. It lessens the cost and risk of evaluating how a move
from 2D to BIM would impact a small architectural practice's workflow.

Graphisoft has had to fight probably the most to gain some mind share in the
UK for its modelling tools, which is odd considering the company invented
the desktop parametric BIM modeller. This new price point will allow many
more small firms to acquire a mature, powerful BIM tool and realise that
there are other credible options beside Autodesk's Revit. My recommendation
would be to get the £1,300 bundle which includes the VBE and EcoDesigner
applications, as a combination, there is nothing comparable on the market
anywhere near this price on Mac or PC. ... iew&id=405


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