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Is it possible to "gateway" forum post to DBUG lis

PostPosted: Wed Feb 16, 2005 7:55 pm
by Aaron Ben-Avraham
O.K. - Been trying out the board for a bit, and honestly I much prefer the e-mail format and convience of a listserv mailing list.

There are to many topic's (IMHO) and it is more than a little frustrating having to go back and forth browsing - even on a broadband connection.

Also i'm having a problem with keeping track of whcih one's I've already read - and I discoverd that if you open the forum but for some reason have to close the browser befor reading any post, when you come back , it shows no un-read post!!!!!

I'm really wondering if there is ANY way to "gateway" forum post to the DBUG list? If I see a topic I want to post to, then I can come to the forum and post, but bottom line is I would much rather to receive messages in my e-mail via a listserve!

Looks a little bit like the DBUG list is already taking a significant hit - there have been very few post today - most of the posting appears to be HERE on the board and not in DBUG.

Oh well... Progress??!!!???...
