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#55691 by Daniel Kaczor
Tue Oct 25, 2011 1:43 pm
Just more blah, blah, blah. I have always said it is easy to be a critic, but, difficult to be a creator. Just ask God ... or Dave G.

From the article:
We desperately need a new kind of architect: one more focused on process than on product, on context rather than on objects. Preparing our new type of architect for practice, we should re-examine the ways that architects are rewarded today: the corrupt and incestuous system of financial incentives, corporate branding, and image-making that rewards the extravagant “starchitect” over the contextual practitioner. Once we have created a consensus for radical change, it will be straightforward to find new ways of compensating good work, through more incentives such as awards, commissions, scientific research that identifies both successes and failures, and other, stronger feedback.

I have had enough pats on the back, I need greenbacks. I can't eat awards and research.

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