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#55907 by MtnArch
Wed Nov 16, 2011 2:12 pm
All -

Ever since moving to Win7 I've endured the annoying "Not Responding" donut circles that pop up, not just in Dcad but also other programs. I've tried narrowing it down to my anti-virus or some other continuously running process but have never found anything that stopped it.

On a music forum I lurk in, one of the users responded with an answer that seems to make sense - but maybe someone with a better view of the 1's and 0's than I (hint, hint, Dave!!!) could comment on it. Here's what was posted in the other forum:

"Not Responding" just means that Windows is unable to update the GUI, not that Finale is locked up.

Not just the GUI - this means an application is not processing ANY Windows messages. At times, Finale does not check the message queue sufficiently frequently, and effectively "locks up" during intensive processing long enough at a time that Windows "notices" Windows NT, 2000 and XP did not bother to let the user know this; Vista and Windows 7 DO tell the user, by greying the application and writing "not responding" on the title bar.

I guess it's another "thank you, MS" moment! :evil:

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