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#4356 by Dick Eades
Mon Jul 18, 2005 1:58 pm
I have a Logitech MX1000 cordless mouse and I often forget to put it on the charger overnight and therefore pick it up in the morning (not every morning) to find the battery is critically low. Sometimes I can use if for a while but often within a few hours it is completely dead and must be placed on the charger. But I need to keep working.

I have a Logitech Cordless Mouseman Optical that could be put into temporary service but it won't operate off the same driver as the MX1000. How can I set up a method to switch drivers in XP-SP2 so I can bring the other mouse into service for a few hours while the laser mouse is recharging?
#4360 by Neil Blanchard
Mon Jul 18, 2005 2:20 pm
Hello Dick,

I use a Logitech Cordless Click! Plus mouse -- which works with the MX1000 RF base. I just put the MX1000 in the cradle to charge, press the Connect button on the base, then press the Connect button on the bottom of the mouse -- and it all works! 8)
#4362 by Dick Eades
Mon Jul 18, 2005 2:31 pm
Well, I'll be.... I tried that the other day and it wouldn't work. I tried it today just as you posted your reply and it worked!! Might have had something to do with rebooting the computer since I checked the drivers and found them both to be present in the hardware manager. I had previously unplugged the PS/2 connection for the other mouse. I have them working off of two separate bases as the other mouse is part of a cordless keyboard-mouse combination. The laser mouse is connected to a USB port. Oh well, never mind.
#4378 by Heinrich
Tue Jul 19, 2005 7:28 am
I had this same problem as well.... that is until I bought a Micrsoft Intellimouse Explorer. Its the best mouse I have ever used, 5 programable buttons and it never needs recharging because it shut off when you shut your pc down. The best part is that it only cost about $50. :D
#4384 by Neil Blanchard
Tue Jul 19, 2005 9:13 am
Hello Heinrich,

I'm glad you like your mouse. Does it have a wire? If not, how is it possible that it doesn't ever need charging?

The MX1000 shuts itself down in about 10 seconds after you stop moving it. It also has a high speed RF connection, so there is no perceptable lag -- the most recent MS optical, wireless mouse I used had a fair amount of lag, between moving the mouse and the cursor motion.

I get about 2-3 weeks between charges on my MX1000. It also fits my hand better than the MS mice -- and I also don't feel like give any more of my money to MS than I have to...
#4391 by Heinrich
Tue Jul 19, 2005 10:34 am
It is wireless. I guess I shouldn't say never, it uses 2 AA batteries. I've had it about 6 months and they're still going strong. Also, there is zero lag.

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