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#58053 by pjmerkl
Thu Aug 23, 2012 1:39 pm
I am using version 14 and wanted to know if anyone knows if we can import 3d objects such as 3d windows from Marvin windows or other window and door manufacturers. The Marvin site has several file types of their windows such as archicad, softplan, revit and sketchup ver 6. Can we import a sketchup window into a datacad drawing that already has objects in it - or does it have to be a blank file? Would I have to place or cut a hole in the wall to do so? Or is it better to just do it in datacad? Are there any 3d window library files out there for datacad available? I really dont want to go through and draw every window from scratch in datacad - would like to import one from a manufacturer if possible. Any help would be greatful.

#58057 by Nick Pyner
Thu Aug 23, 2012 6:40 pm
If the windows are in standard DXF or DWG, they should come into DCad just like any other 3D model. They certainly won't be "smart" in DXF and I guess not in DWG either, and the colours and layers may not be to your liking, but that should all be easy to fix. You should not have to draw anything and you are more likely to be weeding out trivia instead. I recall the Andersen windows had a lot of that.
#58062 by joshhuggins
Fri Aug 24, 2012 11:10 am
You can import Sketchup skp files directly into Datacad by Insert, Sketchup and it will insert them similar to a symbol. You can also insert a sketchup xref in a similar way. I have been building the Marvin collection just this way.

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