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#4795 by rogerra
Tue Aug 02, 2005 10:10 am
I just downloaded the free modeling program (Alibre Design Xpress) that I learned about on the debug forum. When I tried to install, it says I need Direct X installed before installing the software.

Since I was not on the internet at the time and Direct X could not be found, I aborted the installation.

My question: Why do I need to install Direct X when I have a new computer with Windows XP Professional operating system? Also, will installing Direct X harm my new system?

Roger Reynolds, NCARB
#4796 by Neil Blanchard
Tue Aug 02, 2005 11:17 am
Hello Roger,

I would be surprised if you do not already have a version of Direct X on your system. If you were to do a Windows Update, you may see a new version of Direct X as one of the updates.
#4797 by joshhuggins
Tue Aug 02, 2005 11:53 am
Direct X is a vital part of Windows these days, especialy in our CAD/3D programs. Here is one of :arrow: Direct X's main information pages. I would always recommend keeping Direct X along with your hardware drivers, updated as often as possible.
#4822 by rogerra
Tue Aug 02, 2005 4:11 pm
Thanks for the replies. I was able to find Direct X v9.0 on the windows update.


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