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NCARB Broadly Experienced Architect

PostPosted: Mon Sep 30, 2013 8:02 pm
by MtnArch
Has anyone gone through this before? I'm at a point where I need to get my NCARB certificate but I was licensed in 1989, and California didn't (and still doesn't) require an accredited degree.

Re: NCARB Broadly Experienced Architect

PostPosted: Tue Oct 01, 2013 11:47 am
by Ted B
I looked at it years ago, and despite being licensed in three major states ( NY PA and NJ) it was such a hassle that I didn't go through with it then since my possible relocation out-of-state fell-through. Lots of their processes seem to be circular-logic and full of Catch-22's.

Hopefully it's a better-designed program now.