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#67880 by David Porter
Tue Dec 22, 2015 12:50 pm
I see that this item got buried within a discussion about SketchUp and DCAD so in this holiday spirit, thought I would bring it back onto the top of the heap.

Dave G. had said this:

I am constantly humbled by what you are able to accomplish using DataCAD and SU. The mere fact that your end result may have had its modest beginnings in DataCAD leaves me in awe. I could have never imagined such things 30+ years ago when I started writing DataCAD. My, how far we've come!

Highest regards,

I thought this warranted an appropriate reply to Dave and wrote:

Well, Mr. G., guess we will have to share in the mutual admiration awards category today and in this holiday season. Without you and your genius at having designed, developed, and nurtured "our" little program called DataCAD, that you painstakingly keep making better, I for one would not have the easy to use tools and ability to create the drawings that I do as a one-man office. I might still be aching from a sore back from bending over a drawing board and producing inaccurate manual drawings and pulling out my remaining hair working out the geometry for a complicated, 3D perspective drawing. Then, to have the client want the design changed and my pulling out more hair and taking days longer (as opposed to minutes with your tools) to scrub away parts of the manually prepared rendering and making changes.

So, in this holiday spirit of being thankful, the collective DataCAD community owes you a whopper of gratitude for allowing us to do what we still love doing.
#67907 by MtnArch
Wed Dec 23, 2015 10:20 pm
For those of us who have to be "bi-cadd" it's a constant reminder of how much WE (as Dcad users) take for granted - both in terms of usability and features - compared to what is "allowed/given" in any Acad compatible program.

Case in point: My north arrow symbol has a "North" text that - depending upon the north orientation (ie. southeast, northwest, southwest, etc.) - will orient correctly on it's own. Try that with a symbol (or "block" as Acad terms it) in Acad/BricsCAD/other Acad clone and you'll find that the text WON'T re-orient itself correctly. In other words, to get a symbol that will display the text correctly you have to create **4** separate symbols (blocks) that have to be selected and placed.

And can you enter your metes and bounds for your property lines via the standard naming convention (ie. N 12deg15'45" E) ... NOO~oo~OO!! Not without a 3rd-Party LISP routine (or in Dcad terms a "macro")!

Dave G. (or my name for him ... "Mr. Wizard" (think 'Tudor the turtle')) has given us functionality, the way WE want it (not what's easiest for him to program), with options/switches to make it even closer to how **I** want it to work (instead of Jim, or Clayton, or Robert, or ...), instead of only looking at what does the majority of users/responders want.

And let us not forget the foresight and commitment that Mark M. has made in keeping our beloved Dcad moving forward - or, for that matter, Clay and Devinder and Mark T. (sadly no longer in the fold) and others who I'm forgetting to name! How lucky we all are to have so many in the "Mother Ship" that are willing to (somehow!) give us what WE want!!

As we all move through this magical, blessed season, may we NEVER forget what have been "gifted" for the past (Holy Smokes!) **32** years! All of DC LLC's employees, spouses, significant others, etc. have sacrificed more for we "users" than we can ever repay! May we (as users) always aspire to put others needs above our own as DC LLC has always done!!

Merry Christmas everyone!!!

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