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#78972 by DBrennfoerder
Thu Oct 29, 2020 12:35 pm
I have a question about how services are billed. In my office, and where I worked previously, we distributed our time appropriately on the time card roughly rounding to the nearest half hour trying to be fair to each job, with the total at the end of the day being an 8-hour time report.
One of my clients has hired an electrical contractor who states in his contract an "off-site engineering rate of $165/hour" and "a standard rate for consultative services at a value added rate of $1,485/day".
Our issue, the electrician is turning in a lot of full day charges and there isn't nearly enough work being done to verify full days on the job. We're thinking he's using that rate as a minimal charge per day, whether he spends an hour or a half day on his project.
It seems to me that his definition allows him to visit 3 or 4 projects in a day and charge a full day for each.
My concept is that when its stated as a "rate", then a half day is half of that, or 1/8 day is 1/8 of that.
Am I way off base with my thinking?
No where in the contract does it say "per day - or portion thereof" or "full day minimum charge". My client thinks he's getting screwed by the electrician. Sometimes I wish I was a lawyer.
What's the opinion here among DataCAD users?
#78973 by joshhuggins
Thu Oct 29, 2020 1:08 pm
I would probably ask for a clarification of the contract in writing from the electrician. If he doesn't want to give you a definition and a of a break down of the time being billed for, then maybe cut ties when appropriate (pending there is no other crazy stipulations in the contract for being released) and hire someone who won't rip your client off and is more transparent.

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