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#7740 by kscottr181
Wed Nov 16, 2005 1:43 pm
I use to be able to split my windows explorer browser to view 2 different web sites at once. In lieu of having the directory/search on one side of the browser, I could view a different web site. I have not done this for a while and can't remember, does anyone remember how to do this?
#7748 by joshhuggins
Wed Nov 16, 2005 5:49 pm
You can search from that search window on the left and then start browsing from the links it brings up. It's limited as it's missing the address bar and buttons for the part fo the window.

You can open two browser windows and right click on the task bar and Tile Windows Horz. or Vert. This is what I usually do. There maybe another way to get a true split screen in one browser window, but I don't know how in IE.

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