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#8817 by MtnArch
Thu Dec 29, 2005 9:20 pm
All -

I was in Sam's Club this morning and saw a 6gb Seagate USB "Pocket Drive" - for $99!!! Yikes!! Guess I'm getting myself a "last-minute" Christmas gift!!! :lol:

Anyone have any info on this, other than what's on on the web?
#8823 by Heinrich
Fri Dec 30, 2005 8:46 am
I don't know too much about the brand of it, but as far as capacity is concerned, that seems like a pretty good deal.
My boss purchased three Memorex 2Gb TravelDrive about 3 months ago for around that same price (each).

#8828 by Ted B
Fri Dec 30, 2005 1:58 pm
Yikes, I remember when my office replaced one of our dual-floppie Kaypros with a 10-meg Kaypro-10. What did we need "all that memory" for?
...The sheer extravagence of it all.
#8837 by MtnArch
Sun Jan 01, 2006 12:07 am
Oh ... the memories!! My first computer (an Epson!) had a 20mb hard drive (I sacrificed a color monitor for that HD!!!) and a whopping 640K of memory!!! Just what in the world would I **EVER** need with 20mb of space?!?!?!?!

Ok .... I dood it ...!!! I bought the pocket drive!!!

First impressions ...
- Small enough for the pants pocket or the shirt pocket ... but you'll get the question of "what's in your pocket, or are you just glad to see me?" (depending on the gender! :shock:
- Not blindingly fast ... but what do you really want from USB?
- 6GB of space for only $100 - and it fits in your pocket!!! The hardest part was assigning the drive letter!
- A truly elegant design, heftier than you would think but still light enough for your pants pocket (but a little too hefty for your pocket protector!)
- Is 100GB too far away?!?! I think not!

As an aside ...

Could something like this hold DC - so that you don't need a dongle, you don't need a hardware key?!?! All you need is the pocket drive and a USB port? Hmmm ... "enquiring minds want to know ..."


Further aside - Neil is right in that you can get more GB for the buck with an external. BUT ... for the size, you can't beat it!! In some ways it's just another toy, but for me it **might** replace the 80GB external I've been lugging around!
#8838 by Neil Blanchard
Sun Jan 01, 2006 7:33 am

I'm glad you like it! I think that it is made with a 1" diameter HD?

The Enermax unit is pretty slim, and should also fit in your pocket! In the SPCR article, there are some photos that give it some scale, and the image I used for the link is probably larger than life (on my screen anyway...)! And 40GB is only the least expensive laptop unit -- you can get >120GB if you want to pay more...
#8931 by artmanvt2000
Fri Jan 06, 2006 8:38 am
I bought one of those units a couple a weeks ago for backing up my personal laptop and transporting files from work to home. It works great thanks for the awesome post.
#8940 by Greg Blandin
Fri Jan 06, 2006 4:41 pm
Heinrich wrote:I don't know too much about the brand of it, but as far as capacity is concerned, that seems like a pretty good deal.
My boss purchased three Memorex 2Gb TravelDrive about 3 months ago for around that same price (each).


Seagate is a reliable brand.

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