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#10264 by mikesmith
Sat Mar 04, 2006 2:22 pm
Fellow DataCADers:

I am starting a new online venture called the "AEC CAD Exchange - A FREE exchange of peer to peer construction industry details."

The site is at:

I am hoping that you will all want to use it, and that you can help by being the first to begin to populate the site with details. It is not "live" yet, but it is actively working. So I would also welcome your input on how to make the site better or more useful. Call it Alpha Testing. Over the next several weeks we will be extensively modifying the graphics, text and user interface, so pardon the current chaos of the site.

Here is the overview of the site:

The purpose of the site is to:
1. Facilitate the free exchange of peer to peer construction industry details, specifications and information via the Internet.

2. Provide a free online forum for AEC professionals to openly discuss industry details and concerns.

Although most manufacturers provide CAD details of their products, they are specific to that manufacturer and their own products. To create the most appropriate details for every aspect of a project, AEC professionals must decide how to best put together a myriad of new and evolving materials and products from multiple manufacturers. Invariably some other AEC professional has probably already worked out a suitable detail for a given situation. So we are providing a location where AEC professionals can share details that they have found successful in exchange for being able to access other details from their peers. Sort of like a dynamic "Architectural Graphic Standards." We hope this will become a site for architects AND engineers worldwide.

An unmoderated forum of AEC topics is also being provided to promote an exchange of industry related ideas, and to allow questions and discussions relating to posted details. The format will be much like other forums you probably belong to, like the DataCAD LLC forum.

In the future anyone coming to the site for the first time will automatically be logged on as a Guest users so they can browse the site, but they won't be able to download or upload until they actually register. For now there is no Guest status, so you will have to create a login to get into the site. When you do you will be presented with more menu button options, including "Get CAD Details," which is the meat and potatoes of the site.

1. Our goal is to keep this web site free to registered, active users. We will rely on our sponsors (when we get some) help us keep it that way. To ensure that registered users are uploading details as well as downloading them:
a) Registered users will be required to upload ONE (1) DETAIL EVERY 60 DAYS to remain ACTIVE members. This will ensure that the site remains fresh and relevant, and should allow for a large number of details to be posted in a short period of time (there is currently no limit during Alpha Testing).
b) Registered users are limited to downloading a maximum of 10 details for every 1 detail that they upload (there is currently no limit during Alpha Testing).
2. Account Status:
a) ACTIVE status: As long as the account is ACTIVE then they will continue to have full access to the site. If those minimums are not met then a user's account will revert to an INACTIVE status.
b) INACTIVE status: An account will be INACTIVE if their upload quota has not been met. When an account is INACTIVE details can no longer be downloaded from the site, but new details may be uploaded. By uploading new details the account will once again be returned to ACTIVE status.
c) GUEST status: if you have not registered on the site then you will be a GUEST. You can browse the site, but will not be able to upload or download details.

3. Registration: Registration is FREE.
a) Firm Registration: Each individual in a multi-person firm is not expected to upload details; only the office as a whole. The upload/download rules will apply to the company, and not to each individual in the company. Any individual in the company may upload details, and those details will count toward the company's upload requirement (this is currently not active during Alpha Testing).

4. Our format for uploading details should ensure that details can be quickly and automatically posted to the site, and can be easily viewed and referenced, complete with descriptions and images describing the details, based on the industry standard 16 CSI specification sections, plus a few extra general sections. This may not be the "best" way to locate details that may encompass materials form several CSI sections, but it's the best way I can see right now. I'm open to suggestions.

5. Manufacturers and developers are free to advertise their own web sites that contain their own products and details, but they will not be allowed to submit their own proprietary details to the site. Participation on this site must be PEER TO PEER.

6. All details must be the sole property of the persons submitting them (no copyrighted material).

7. Advertisers will be able to advertise on our site's Home page, in the LINKS page, and via targeted advertisements that will appear in the Details pages corresponding to the industry standard 16 CSI specification sections.

The information that will be required for each "detail" upload is as follows:

1. All text should be submitted in English whenever possible, but we do not want to exclude users from other countries. You might consider adding text in more than one language in the .ZIP file if you are able.

2. ZIP File
Only a single ZIP file will be accepted. The .ZIP file must contain at least the following:
a) A .DXF or .DWG drawing file (within the same ZIP file, other CAD program formats are welcome in addition, but a .DXF or .DWG is a required as a minimum).
b) If appropriate, a .TXT or .DOC text file (in English if possible) describing any relevant information about the detail that you deem appropriate. This might include specific products, or things to watch out for.

3. Preview .JPG Image:
It must be a .JPG format. There is currently no maximum size limit, but 1MB+ files are discouraged. During the upload process a small JPG thumbnail will be created. It will be a common size with all other JPGs displayed on the site. By clicking on that thumbnail a larger window will pop up and display the JPG in the original size that you submitted, so the preview images should be quite readable.

4. CSI Section(s):
Because details usually involve materials from more than one CSI section you will have to determine which CSI section "Best" describes the detail.

5. Detail Title:
This is the title that will be shown while users are browsing the details, so make it as specific as possible.

6. Text Description:
This is the basic description that will be shown under your detail title while users are browsing the details, so make it as descriptive as possible.

1. The free ONLINE FORUM will provide an avenue for users to discuss details and other industry topics. Although the site will be unmoderated, it will be monitored for appropriate content. Users who continue to make unprofessional comments, threats or post other inappropriate content will be blocked from the site.

2. As long as you are either an ACTIVE or INACTIVE member you may fully participate in any of the forums.

3. If you are a GUEST then you will be able to browse the forum, but will not be able to post questions or comments.

Final Note:
In order for this site to work I need to get both users and sponsors interested. To that end I am asking my fellow DataCAD users to upload at least one detail (though I hope more) and supporting information so that you can all start using the site, and I can get your input. The site is going to thrive if it can get some critical mass behind it in a short period of time. Please tell your Other-CAD peers about this site as well, and ask them to participate. This is a not a CAD-program-specific site.

Your help and participation will be greatly appreciated! I've started uploading some details into sections 5, 7 and 9. Of course there are DataCAD versions in the zip files as well as DWG versions.

For the next couple of days you may see some stray test files floating around in some of the sections (especially Division 1). We'll get those cleaned out soon.


Michael Smith
Please direct all comments to my e-mail at:

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