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#30571 by joshhuggins
Sat Dec 01, 2007 12:50 am
O.K. so this is probably going to take a few days, possibly weeks to put together my notes which are a mess, so please bare with me. It's been a weird few weeks for sure. :roll: The format & content I'm sure will change, so without further ado....

Under Construction

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:idea: Josh's Autocad Wishlist

The Disclaimer:
This is just a brief list of ideas, comments, questions, wishes I have jotted down while I have been using Autodesk Architectural Desktop 2006 (ADT06) for the last three weeks. I have been a Datacad only user for the past 10 years. This is not meant to start a who is better, why I hate Autocad, why Datacad is so much better rant. My main purpose here is to honestly reflect on the 800lb gorilla who is Autocad or at least my current experience with it, give my opinion on what I feel are some pros, cons, and give some ideas on some things I think would be nice additions to Datacad. And by nice additions I mean that I think they would work well with Datacad's methods and philosophies, not that just because Autocad does it, Datacad should too. I'll try to break up my wishes / ideas into two groups, Near Future and A Galaxy Far Far Away.

Near Future wishes would be things I think could be implement in the next few years or versions. A Galaxy Far Far Away wishes are things I think would be a great fit but would guess due to man power, time needed to implement and other priorities would put these wishes way out there. Again these are just my very relaxed opinions and open ended ramblings. Please do not read more into them than is intended.

Working Environment:
I am currently using ADT06 at my current location. There are 5 draftsman (including me), 2 Project Managers, and a CAD Manager, all whom are currently using ADT06. The firm seems to really be trying to take advantage of ADT06's potential, or at least seems to be to me. The CAD Manager is almost completely dedicated to managing all of ADT06 stations, the general office server and some basic CAD work to help fill in at crunch time which has pretty much been the case since I started. Most of the staff has an open mind to trying to new features or tools the CAD Manager sets up with the exception of the two Project Managers who both seem to take one side or the other depending on the mood of the day.

I used Autocad R14-2002 for two years in college, and for two projects at a previous Datacad office where a client required it for about 3-4 months on R2002. My existing Autocad skills were about enough to get me to a functional level in about 2-3 days on ADT06. I still feel like one of those birds you see on a PBS special on the Exxon Valdez oil spills, but it's coming along o.k. I think. The old Datacad quick keys still come thru as I still use Datacad at home on personal projects, so that drives me nuts while working during the day.... (signing off for tonight 11/30/07)
Last edited by joshhuggins on Sat Dec 01, 2007 1:32 am, edited 1 time in total.

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