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#2528 by csteidel
Sat May 07, 2005 9:24 am
Since DataCAD LLC is now working closely with SketchUp on file interchange, I was wondering if DataCAD will be selling SketchUp on their website and if they will be offering a discount. I am ready to purchase Sketchup and noticed a spot for "discount code" on their website, so I guess >somebody< is offering discounts.
#2566 by RPadgett
Tue May 10, 2005 12:44 pm
Not sure what DataCad has planned, but I know a colleague who received a discount "chip" at one of their training courses. They encouraged the trainees to give them out to designers (or use them theirselves). It had a number stamped on it which I was able to use to get $50 off.

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