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#42728 by Okcsailing
Thu Apr 23, 2009 1:46 pm
Ok here i go I am going to upgrade the 4-80286's to an intel slow I-7! ( hope I can see a differance???<grin)
I all ready got 1.5T drive and GTS 250 vedio card thought that much differance in just card rendering in SU Podium in sketchup amagine a new motherboard and CPU ok Four CPUS in one reporting 8 with blazing 12 gig ram plan to buy three more four gigs once I win lottery. I bet X3 will be out first!!!!

Ok that all said Windows XP is were I am one man office with three soon to be four computers one all printers hooked up to and plotter store drawings there it is win 2000 machine do to plotter drivers. Wife uses one for her stuff and I use Datacad LT to show cliants preliminaries at confrence table using it. (More then likly going to house once I upgrade.) Then my curent dul-core 2.8 with 4 gig. (moving to confrence table.)

Have loaded Vist ultimate on new teribit drive as well as XP-64 on this machine can see differance in 64-bit how ever messed up one print driver. So How do I do 64 bit with out other computers lossing printers on network? And the 24 millon dollar question is witch 64-bit Vista or XP? ( Windows XP-64 is were I saw differance in redering time 5 mint. compared to 45 to 1 hour)

There is no place like the dog house out back I call my office. click, click
Really dear there is no room for bed out there!!!!
#42729 by joshhuggins
Thu Apr 23, 2009 6:44 pm
Having a tough time following your post, but it sounds like you and your wife each have a Windows XP computer and have a Windows 2000 computer which is acting as a print and file server. You also have a new computer which you have loaded Vista 64 & XP 64 on to test with and you are now having a problem with a print driver. Does this all sound right?
#42730 by Nick Pyner
Thu Apr 23, 2009 7:37 pm
Okcsailing wrote: I all ready got 1.5T drive and GTS 250 vedio card ..........
Four CPUS in one reporting 8 with blazing .......
12 gig ram .............
plan to buy three more four gigs ........

I am one man office with three soon to be four computers

I use Datacad LT

Then my curent dul-core 2.8 with 4 gig.

question is witch 64-bit Vista or XP?

This post is pretty well impossible to understand but, unless you are big into games or video, it seems you have far more equipment than you need. If you have both operating systems in your hand, you might as well go for Vista.

I wouldn't bother going out of my way to get it, but there is nothing intrinsically wrong with it, DCad runs fine, and some of its more tedious "features" may be turned off. The basic terminal programme is missing, which you can pinch from XP, and it needs 2Gb of memory.

Vista seems to be definitely more stable than XP.
#42731 by Okcsailing
Thu Apr 23, 2009 7:39 pm
Joshhuggins for most part corect. I do not have Vist 64 only vist ultima. Do I use XP-64 or go get Vista-64 and how do I keep net work printers intact for all machines. I have used vista ultima and XP-64 on my old comuter by swoping drives. waiting on ups for parts to get here.
#42732 by Okcsailing
Thu Apr 23, 2009 7:53 pm
Thank you Nick. You think it is bad reading, try walking in my shoes and deal with it every secound. I am one that learns by doing. In the old days watched plotter to see what I could do to make it faster. Hatching each brick area on floor plan one by one is faster then all at once. I know adding up nano secounds is a little extream. How ever I use to run datacad 5 all loaded in ram by way of vertuail disk and stacker on 486 notebook.
#42733 by Neil Blanchard
Thu Apr 23, 2009 9:17 pm

What printers do you have? Does Vista have working drivers for them? Are you considering 64bit Windows so you can use all 4GB of RAM?

Running a 64bit OS should not affect the other computers, unless you are sharing that printer from this machine. Can you share the printer from a 32bit machine?

I would stick with WinXP X-64, since Vista sucks up 2X as much RAM just booting. So, any advantage of having 4GB OF RAM goes away if you using Vista.
#42735 by Okcsailing
Thu Apr 23, 2009 10:05 pm
Neil The new computer will be 6gig,plan to add 12 latter. HPlaserjet 5100 tn, the others are Deskjet 1220C, and photosmart 7150, Plotter is JDLE-II plot driver is Windows 2000, The JDL has no clue XP exist let alone Vista.
5100tn on network card, JDL on lpt1, the other two on USB. When I loaded one of the 5100tn drivers in XP-64 or the vista it no longer works for any of the other computers. Simple plan is to plot to file and use 2000 machine to plot, Use old machine to do invoices and all office papper work.
#42738 by Neil Blanchard
Fri Apr 24, 2009 5:58 am

I would avoid Vista completely. I would install WinXP X64 Pro, and see how that goes. If a driver is not available, then I would install (as a dual boot) WinXP (32bit) and use that to print.

I don't think that there is very many Windows motherboards that will support 6GB let alone 12GB of RAM. I would buy a Mac Pro 16GB (it supports up to 32GB!) and then I would run Fusion and whatever flavor(s) of Windows works. You would still be limited to the RAM that is supported in Windows, of course.
#42742 by Okcsailing
Fri Apr 24, 2009 8:18 am
Thank you Niel! That was what I thought how ever wanted to check. As you and all can tell from my posts it is as clear as mud in my mind.
As to memory on board the I-7 uses a board that does triple chanel memory. The board comes with six slots. Going to use three 2 gig now and add the other three latter. Boards claimes to suport up to 24 gig.
#42825 by Okcsailing
Thu Apr 30, 2009 10:49 am
I built machine Monday, the hardware lock showedup then as well. Clay has great timing!! The machine seems to be fine operator errors in reloading some of my solftware and printers caused me to redo it yesterday. Using one laser print driver to print regular documents on the HP5100tn. (the one all ready messed up for the other computers.) Using old machine to plot drawings on JDL3500E-II

I found Vertual PC 2007 mitt allow xp machine on this new one and allow printer sharing and or run Dacad on it to plot. Eather way work in progress! The xp-64 dose not grab the 2000 drivers from print computer like XP dose and all the new drivers are different from what I am using.

Thank you all!
#42830 by joshhuggins
Thu Apr 30, 2009 1:27 pm
Are you using Datacad LT on the VPC2007? I don't think the hardlock will work in a VPC MV. There is no USB support, which is sooooo lame. A VMWare VM should work, but I had a hard time keeping Datacad running in both the host and VM systems due to the way Datacad polls the hardlock. Would love to hear more on how your running this.
#42831 by Okcsailing
Thu Apr 30, 2009 3:24 pm

I have not gotten there yet!! I used Datacad on one or the other on old machine to test this thery LPT lock. I have not got it figured out yet. So far carring lock from new machine over to old machine to plot. I never thought of tring to run two datacad at once on new machine, I'll have to try that and let you know. Ethics and copyrights mitt be a problem.
#42832 by joshhuggins
Thu Apr 30, 2009 4:35 pm
The LPT keys should work. You right on the grey area of the ethics. Looking at the EULA for v12 and it speaks of "COMPUTERS". So is a VM a computer? It's definitely emulating another computer, but is it actually another computer? I think legally we're o.k. at this point, but if Datacad chimes in here and says it's not legal then I'll happily respect that and beg for an external batch plotting app because it really nice. I would suggest that if they do say it's a no-no that they update the EULA to match how Microsoft and other companies have specifically specify not sharing the key with VM's. I personally would suggest allowing it because the limits of running Datacad on a VM, even a really fast VM and trying to get multiple users sharing a key is just not worth using or the hassle of keeping it running. There should not be any loss of profit to the company, because I don't really see anyone buying a second license to run it in a VM. It's just not worth the cost, at least in this day and age of VM. Someday soon Vm's maybe upto the task and at that point to transparent computing they might want to relook at this subject and adjust it for the market at that time IMHO. I'm using it so I can batch plot my jobs out in the VM and keep working in my native install of Datacad.

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#42852 by Okcsailing
Sat May 02, 2009 12:56 pm

Looks like the doctor got that daily exersise he wanted me to do. I'll be getting up and walking to other machine to plot. I mit just end up back on XP pro!! I now understand your desire for stand alone plotting!!
#42853 by Neil Blanchard
Sat May 02, 2009 2:55 pm

Windows 7 has a built-in WinXP emulator, as I understand it. The irony of this is pretty bizarre -- this is virtually the same as me running WinXP in Fusion (emulator) in Mac OSX...

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