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Amazingly amazing DataCAD 12

PostPosted: Sat May 02, 2009 10:39 pm
by boatcad
hello, I'm an old hand, when it comes to computer graphics. I came up with the same people who first were allowed to see color pictures on the computer and we were so impressed - then I started my long "career" in computer graphics, always hoping to afford AutoCAD some day, so I could learn the "big" tricks - then, a great friend and working companion, began to show me DataCAD 5 - I fell and was so amazed.
Long story short - I finally got AutoCAD, and I already knew DataCAD - but then they come up with DataCAD 12 - it blows me away.
Anyone who can learn DataCAD and AutoCAD, would instantly purchase DataCAD 12 - no doubt.
Thanks you guys - ya'll have gone to a lot of work and i am well impressed - DataCAD 12 surprises me more each day - thanks.

My sentiments exactly.

PostPosted: Sat May 09, 2009 10:47 am
by ORWoody
Between the two (and I've used both), DataCAD is cleaner by far.