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#1139 by GuyS
Sun Mar 20, 2005 2:33 pm
I am looking for a symbol library that would be used for doing commercial type work (tenant improvement). The specifice one I need now is a dentist chair. I would be willing to purchase this symbol for my immediate needs, or a library for my long term needs.
#1140 by Neil Blanchard
Sun Mar 20, 2005 9:03 pm

I think that there is a dentist's chair (or several) in a set of symbols that are sold by Cheap Tricks -- you may have to email Evan Shu and ask if there is one, and if so which. I took a look through the listing and I didn't see it. In the past, I have seen the symbols, so they do exist.
#1143 by David Porter
Mon Mar 21, 2005 7:10 am
I would be careful to use any "generic" dentist's chair for your plans layout. I have done a few dentist's offices and not one of them purchased the same equipment. Each of the chairs were different and required different space requirements. And, each office I have done was in a different year and the equipment changed during over time. What I do in cases like this is find out what equipment the dentist will use. Then, go to that manufacturer's website and see if they have CAD drawings of the chairs and accessory equipment. If not, even if they have a digital photo of what the chairs look like in plan view, make a screen shot of it, save it as a JPG, then trace over it in DCAD and you have created your own, real-sized chair that YOUR client will be purchasing. You have then eliminated any "generic" error in sizing the room that your client would come back to bite you about once he/she figured out they could not sit where they wanted to at the chair they purchased because of the room size you created for him/her.
#1145 by Daniel Kaczor
Mon Mar 21, 2005 9:38 am
I agree with David. Having done 3 dental offices over the last 12 months. Each used a different company's equipment or in combination with existing equipment that was moved. Each had a different way of working and needed different equipment. With the increased use of computer generated images (x-rays) and chair-side cad/cam for crowns, dental equipment needs are always changing. Except for one dentist, they went to the equipment supplier first, to get a preliminary cost of equipment and the company provided a preliminary layout. I was given their cad blocks (in ACAD) on the condition I would not use them except for their respective projects. has brochures and specs to download. Benco Dental has several sample floor plans in pdf for download. I couldn't find anything on the Patterson Dental website, but, since they are one of the largest suppliers, I may have missed the information.

Hope this helps.

ps: The illustrations I posted in the thread was one of the dental offices.
#1148 by GuyS
Mon Mar 21, 2005 10:53 am
Thanks for all your help!
I appreciate all of the valuable information.

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