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#18043 by peter korzaan
Sat Dec 30, 2006 12:06 pm
Why oh why... its been going on forever.. I have the incorrect code in my short cut (Alt letter) file, have just put up with it, but now I'm going in and out of 02c more often, every minute its seems to verify, and its becoming a drag.

I run 02c very happily, then close it out and in Dcad11 I'm stopped. Its requiring me to enter a relative distance and angle... I only have to right click twice to clear it, but its getting annoying. I know it must be in the short cut because when I open the viewer from the View, Object viewer, it closes out fine.

BUT... Its been so long since I've been in there I don't remember the file that these short cuts are in, and also if anyone has the proper 'language' could they pass it along for me to copy to it and correct it.

Thanks... p.
#18057 by Neil Blanchard
Sat Dec 30, 2006 5:22 pm
Hello Peter,

Are you saying that the input mode changes when you close o2c? You can change it back to Relative Cartesian, or Direction/Distance by using the pulldown menu in the Status Area, or by hitting the Insert key to toggle through the list of five modes.
#18058 by peter korzaan
Sat Dec 30, 2006 5:35 pm
The input mode doesn't change, its as if there is something else in the Alt V shortcut that takes me to 02c, that's also bringing up as if I had hit the space bar, wanting to place a dimension or distance with the angle also needed.

I believe its the short cut, written wrong, but for the life of me I can not find where I put that sheet, its not where it belongs, and its been quite some time since I've messed with my individualized keyboard short cuts and cannot remember what folder I have to open to change it, or check it.

Now I may be jumping the gun here, that may not be the culprit, but when I chose 02c from the Dcad view menu, it does not do it, so I was also asking if some one could give me the code for that keyboard short cut, to access 02c... I just happen to use the letter V for it as in view.

Does this make it any clearer?
#18065 by Paul Nida
Sat Dec 30, 2006 7:41 pm
Peter, the file that the Alt-Key codes in it is the Dcadwin.mcr file. I believe that is what you are asking. If you still can't find the problem, try posting the line from that file with the problem and maybe someone on here can help.
#18067 by peter korzaan
Sat Dec 30, 2006 8:23 pm
Thanks Paul, found it, and of course remembered, after I got the post ... ah yes .mcr in support.

Now what I have in there is:

//o2c viewer opens and runs o2c viewer

Does this look correct?
Is there anything in here that could cause a dimension request, after I close the viewer out?

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